
St. Stephen's University offers a range of hybrid-distance master's degrees and graduate certificates to suit students from a variety of backgrounds and experiences who are interested or require training in theology & culture for pastoral ministry and other similar vocational directions, and peace & justice for any curious and thoughtful person who wants to integrate spiritual and theological considerations with practical peace work, nonviolent activism, peacemaking, and advocacy for either personal enrichment and knowledge acquisition or professional enhancement or ministry. The curriculum and course sequencing of our programs are flexible and offer a variety of combinations of biblical studies, theology, history of Christianity, philosophy & culture, counselling & spiritual formation, peace & justice studies, interreligious dialogue & peacebuilding, practical conflict transformation, and the inner transformation of a peacemaker, contemplative spirituality, and reconciliation studies.
Students in our programs have the benefit of completing their degree programs without uprooting their lives or disrupting their work schedules. Our programs are offered through a variety of innovative delivery methods that are meant to strike the perfect balance between convenience and low disruption to the lives of our students on the one hand and high personal contact and in-person on-site meaningful engagement on the other. To this end, we offer the following deliver methods in all of our programs:
enriching, robust, and interactive online courses
short in-person 7-day or 9-day residencies
a short 2-week study abroad trip
thesis completed by distance
Students also have the opportunity to complete their degree programs as quickly as they need through full-time study, or they can stretch out their degree program over a number of years while working part time. Whatever the case, we will work with you to create a manageable schedule so that you can complete your program in your own time for as many semesters as it takes.

As a graduate school of theology, peace and reconciliation, the programs of St. Stephen's University are provincially-recognized as granted through our charter by the Province of New Brunswick.
St. Stephen's University students can be confident that their degree will be recognized widely if they choose to transfer their courses or go on to complete doctoral studies at another institution after graduation. Our students have previously completed baccalaureate degrees from such schools as Oxford University, the University of Glasgow, and the University of Waterloo before attending SSU, and our alumni have gone on to study at a number of reputable and prestigious schools from McGill University to the University of Nottingham among many others. Further, SSU partners with other reputable academic institutions to deliver our programs, including the University of Edinburgh, Trinity College Dublin, and Queen's University Belfast. St. Stephen's University is therefore valued by other globally recognized universities, and our curriculum is rigorous and robust. Graduates of St. Stephen's University can therefore have full confidence in the value of their degrees.